The Project

L.R.24/2003 Call for proposals - P.A. (Civil Service) 2023 of the “MUSEUMS FOR ALL in the Subasio Park” pooling

Led by the Municipality of Assisi as well as the Municipalities of Spello, Nocera Umbra and Valtopina, which together circumscribe Subasio Park, this project is aimed at the promotion and tourist-cultural fruition of the museum “system”, also and above all in terms of greater accessibility thanks to the introduction of digital tools.

MUSEUMS FOR ALL is a project that aims to guarantee a visit to the network's museums by the widest possible audience, trying to cut down on the difficulties of access thereto, above all for the categories of users with difficulties of various kinds. In this regard, technology can certainly be helpful. However it is recommended that it does not become over-imposing with respect to the “content” thereof.

The project proposes to build a “digital system” through the realisation of innovative tools, which will optimise the knowledge and enjoyment of artistic and cultural contents and which revolve around the connection of the network of museums constituted therein and, in a broader sense, to the entire area enclosing the proposed thematic routes.

The objective is to realise a technological platform for the management and fruition of content that integrates and amplifies the potential of each individual museum facility through innovative products and technology that facilitate visitor and tourist involvement, with particular reference to accessibility.

Simplified multimedia content for users with cognitive difficulties, ISL videos for deaf users, audio podcasts for blind or visually impaired users, mini virtual tours for users with physical disabilities will constitute a very effective combination of tools from this point of view. In this first phase, they are to be considered a premise for possible future extensions in order to include each work contained in the museum network system.